Saturday, December 28, 2013

How to Make Clear Tape in Photoshop

When producing a image in Photoshop, you sometimes need clear tape. I'm going to let you know how to make clear tape. It is simple to do that.

1. Click New in the File drop-down menu. Create a new canvas: 500 PX by 300 PX. 

2. Create a new layer on the Layers panel: a hot key is CTRL + J.  After then, select Rectangular Marquee Tool in the toolbox and then drag it like a image below. 

3. Select Eyedropper Tool in the toolbox, and then select the color you want; I chose light gray. Fill out the box. After then, deselect it: a hot key is CTRL + D.  

4. Choose Polygonal Lasso Tool in the toolbox. After then, click "Subtract from selection" icon on the control panel: a hot key is ALT. Create jagged edges like a image below. 

5. Press the Del key, and then deselect. Create jagged edges on the other side. If you do that, it will be like a image below. After then, use Dodged Tool or Burn Tool in the toolbox in order to look realistic to the tape. 

6. Click "Add a layer style" icon on the bottom on the Layers panel, and choose Drop Shadow with setting the opacity to 25%. Click OK. 

7. After pressing CTRL + T, rotate this tape like a image below. After then, go to the File drop-down menu and click Save for web; save it for PNG.

After then, you can use the clear tape like a image below. That's it. 

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